The RBH Cambodia is part of the RBH Network consisting of all organisations hosting a Responsible Business Helpdesk. Up to know, there are eight running RBHs in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Serbia, Vietnam, Mexico, Tunisia, Turkey, and Pakistan. Activities within the Network include peer-to peer and expert learning sessions, joint communication and positioning at events and working together on developing RBH services. The RBH Network hosts the RBH Toolkit, which entails a vast amount of resources around the topic of sustainable supply chains like factsheets, translations or templates or setting up RBH services. Exchanging not only material, but also strategies and learnings, a replicable model of the RBH is created that draws from experience along the entire supply chain and can be scaled to other partner countries. Reach out to become partner of The RBH Network! We are open to expand The RBH Network.

Learn more about The RBH Network on our LinkedIn-channel or watch this video on Youtube!


Joint Statement of The RBH Network

Key messages for a successful and fair implementation of Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD) in global supply chains.

In this Joint Statement, we – seven business associations and chambers of commerce from six countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Serbia, Tunisia, Türkiye, Mexico) and members of The RBH Network – are postulating five key messages for successful implementation of HREDD in production countries. As members of The RBH Network, we are representing more than 360.000 companies worldwide coming from various sectors such textiles & garment, automotive, electronics, chemicals, energy, mining or agriculture. Our call for action is directed at regulators and buying companies, urging them to shape the enforcement of existing and future legislation in a way that focusses on effectiveness and the principle of shared responsibilities.

We believe that it is essential to engage in an open and honest conversation about the benefits and challenges of the implementation of CSDD in some of the key production countries of global supply chains. Based on our first-hand experience in working with local suppliers, the RBH Network members have formed a joint position on what is necessary to ensure a successful implementation of CSDD in global supply chains.

Read the full statement below:

Download (English)
Download (Khmer)